Eclectronica Vol. 14 - Rock & Roll

Eclectronica Vol 14 - RockEclectronica Vol 14 - Roll












I present to you Eclectronica Vol. 14: Rock & Roll! This cheeky set illustrates why I love electronic music so much. Because it can be every and any kind of music. Rock, Blues, Pop, Classical, Jazz, Historical Speeches, Ted Talks, Things You Step on in the Woods, Memes, Whatever! If it's a sound you can take it and manipulate it into as unique and personal an experience as you can imagine. No genre is safe from anyone with a computer taking something they love and turning it into a new and exciting piece of art. It is by an infinite degree, the most comprehensive and inclusive form of artistic expression possible. Not matter what instrument you play, or whether you play one at all, you can record or create any sound you can imagine, create a rhythm and a melody and harmonize it with anything else your heart desires.

Disc 1 - Rock:
A lighter journey through a wealth of genres and genreless moods that are sure to illuminate deeper thoughts and emotions.


Disc 2 - Roll:
A heavier, bass fuelled, and driving experience through a wide array of cutting edge sound design that'll make you laugh, play, and shake your body.


Eclectronica Vol. 13 - Angels & Demons

Eclectronica Vol 13 - AngelsEclectronica Vol 13 - Demons












It's that time again and as I find myself doing an Eclectronica writeup for the 13th year I think of how lucky I am to have discovered a passion for chill and beautiful music to carry me through my days and help so many more do the same. As I think about my lucky number I am reminded that though the number 13 was considered lucky in so many cultures in the past, colonialism has re-written its significance as it has with so many powerful symbols in so many cultures throughout history. While I thought about how I was going to put together this set and what kind of vibe it would need in order to do justice to such a powerful number I thought about the perceptions of good and bad and how so many concepts of right and wrong are often skewed by societal conditioning and even changing from minute to minute within our own minds. I thought about the struggles I have personally had to endure over the last three years and the ways I had to grow as I fought to follow the path of righteousness while my own inner turmoil fed me fear, resentment, and existential dread through the lens of my subconscious biases and the very real conscious harsh reality that my loved ones and I lived through.

And with that, I present to you Eclectronica Vol. 13 - Angels & Demons. I hope they inspire you to reconcile the light and dark parts of your inner world and recognize that without witnessing and giving space to both, one cannot be truly free to accept themselves for the challenges that make us who we are.

Disc 1, Angels:
A plethora of powerful vibes across many genres encapsulating a breadth of emotions and journeys one can experience on the path to feel like you are moving in the light.


Disc 2, Demons:
Next-generation sound designs and new musical genres give a louder and more bass-heavy journey into the shadows where we wrestle to meet our demons where they are on the path to understanding and creating the peace within that is necessary to grow from our traumas rather than being bound by them.


Eclectronica Vol. 12 - Down & Out

Eclectronica Vol 12 - DownEclectronica Vol 12 - Out












Content Warning: Raw Human Experience.

Two years into a pandemic is more than enough for even the strongest among us to break down. Inadequate support from governments. Unchecked algorithms pushing many of our loving and compassionate community down misinformation pipelines of fear, mistrust, and hyper-individualism aligning them with white supremacists and other extremists. Losing friends and family to stark differences in ideology, death, or just plain dangerous levels of ignorance. It's enough to make you want to give up. I wanted to. At one point in an autistic meltdown, I was literally kicking and screaming at the top of my lungs at 6am that I wanted to die after yet another night of watching a love of my life scream in agony for hours on end because her body can't hold itself together and the medical system mismanaged her. I couldn't take any more of the unbelievable selfishness, stupidity, and arrogance of humans who prioritize their inconveniences over the well-being of vulnerable people, the planet, and even themselves while I'm working 24/7 to bring a woman I love back to health for 2 years.

I am privileged to be held in those spaces by two partners who support me and bring me back to a sense of safety when I feel lost and I do my best every day to bring what joy I can to the world and create changes where I can. This is all we can do. We have to support each other as best we can, but fighting to find peace and safety in the death throes of capitalist colonialism is exhausting. Some days are better than others and we need to hold on to all that glitters to manifest the future that we deserve. The world is super hard right now, but we can make it better if we work together towards positive solutions.

This mix series follows my journey to the depths of my despair. A path from grief and hopelessness to understanding and renewed empowerment. When we fall we peer deeply into the intricacies of the world's failings, but bouncing back from that perspective makes us stronger, wiser, and more capable to challenge them. The lessons we learn from our darkest places give us the tools to burst out of our comfort zones and make the changes to our inner and outer worlds that we didn't know we needed. 

Disc 1, Down:
Raw, emotional, and unexpected journeys through cascading feelings of trying our best and watching as things continue to get worse. All the while desperately grasping at hope, taking deliberate steps to create the fortitude to cultivate acceptance, and utilizing moments of peace to propagate the resolve to move forward. My hope is that listening to this mix will help you release the emotions you've held onto, crying the tears that needed to be released as I did while making it, and inspiring you to move that energy into a place of power and growth to create new beginnings.


Disc 2, Out:
This mix is about showing up. Showing up for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and the world. Take a small step towards the light at the end of the tunnel any chance you get and know that every time you work towards a brighter future it gets closer to you. Not just for you, but for the people around you who are inspired by your light and more that will gravitate towards that energy. Fight for what you believe in, even if it means you have to fight people you love. The world will only be free of bad ideas when good ones drown them out and make more sense. Genius does not exist without the wisdom to use it. And you will only know your genius when you push yourself out of your comfort zones. So just keep pushing. You will break through your walls more and more with each passing day if you make just one small step. That's all it takes. It doesn't have to be a lot. Just show up. Do one tiny thing and see where it takes you. It may not always go anywhere, but you'll be surprised how often it does. Eventually, you'll get there. It's just science.


Eclectronica Vol. 11 - Hide & Seek

Eclectronica Vol 11 - HideEclectronica Vol 11 - Seek












As the pandemic forced us to hide in our caves for the past year under threat of a deadly virus, I like many of you was forced out of all that I knew. Every aspect of the career that I have built for myself over the last 15 years relied on mass gatherings. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that the toll on my mental health was severe. But as time goes on we adapt, and so too do we learn about ourselves in the darkest of places, and grow in ways that while painful at the moment will help us to be more resilient, and grateful for better days to come. Through these challenges, we are also able to seek out new ways of finding joy in the world. New ways to connect with each other. New ways to create magic that we might bring to the world in ways we didn't know we were capable of. As I release this gift to the world nearly half a year later than usual due to my mental health and overload from life's challenges making me procrastinate on making the artwork, I am looking forward to creating more soon for the first time in a while, and being able to share some of my love for music in front of real people on the open fields as the world begins to finally open up. All my love, and I hope you enjoy these mixes as much as I have for the past half-year <3

Disc 1, Hide:
The slower side, with deep organic vibes, healing tones, and soothing melodies to recapture a sense of safety and comfort.



Disc 2, Seek:
Bigger sounds with more contemporary production to drive our energies to a higher vibration as we take those good vibes into a brighter future. 



Eclectronica Vol. 10 - Awe & Wonder

Eclectronica Vol 10 - AweEclectronica Vol 10 - Wonder












I cannot even begin to describe how honoured I feel to have my love of these beautiful aural experiences shared with you for the past 10 years. This mix series has carried me through some of the darkest, and brightened some of the most magical times of my life, and I am constantly hearing stories of how these journeys have touched others lives. I feel blessed that music has chosen to connect with me in such a way that I can curate experiences that help so many people through their day. Here's to another decade finding beauty together <3

Disc 1, Awe:
Two full hours of slow, and seductive melodies to hold our hearts together as we experience the majesty of the world around us.


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Disc 2, Wonder:
Two full hours of captivating, and energetic harmonies to unite our minds as we let imagination take us to a brighter future. 


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