Eclectronica Vol. 10 - Awe & Wonder

Eclectronica Vol 10 - AweEclectronica Vol 10 - Wonder












I cannot even begin to describe how honoured I feel to have my love of these beautiful aural experiences shared with you for the past 10 years. This mix series has carried me through some of the darkest, and brightened some of the most magical times of my life, and I am constantly hearing stories of how these journeys have touched others lives. I feel blessed that music has chosen to connect with me in such a way that I can curate experiences that help so many people through their day. Here's to another decade finding beauty together <3

Disc 1, Awe:
Two full hours of slow, and seductive melodies to hold our hearts together as we experience the majesty of the world around us.


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Disc 2, Wonder:
Two full hours of captivating, and energetic harmonies to unite our minds as we let imagination take us to a brighter future. 


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