Eclectronica Vol. 8 - As Above, So Below
Sometimes life's greatest gifts can also bring us lasting sorrow when we hold too strongly to our expectations. As I sit here writing about a pair of mixes that were finished nearly half a year ago now that were held up by my own inability to get my head space together to finish something as simple as a couple of graphics, I can't help but feel like I've somehow let myself down. Graphics being what very shortly before was a full time job that I quit for the sole purpose of working on my own personal art and yet here I sit having accomplished very little. It's times like these where we must remind ourselves that life gives us no expectations, and the only reason we feel like we have failed is because we gave one to ourself and became attached to it. Life is a swirling, colourful, and unpredictable phantasmagoria of energy that we are just trying to understand. If we let go we can find ourselves powerfully swept away into new and exciting places, and as we get farther downstream on our new path it can become scary when we think of all the things that we left ashore before we jumped in. And there's the crux of it. If you are still looking back to the shore, did you really let go?
Sure, there are going to be times when you are going to wish you did this or that, but what DID you do? Did you stop working hard on something you wanted to accomplish, and instead binge watched a show on Netflix for 2 weeks straight? Did you need it? Did you enjoy it? Maybe you moved on to some other projects unconsciously deciding you had more interest in them. In my case the opposite. I retired a career to work on my dreams and instead went head first into a gruelling learning process to develop a new form of abundance. Regrets? Well, if I said never I'd be lying, but the more I reflect on what I have accomplished the more I turn those regrets into positive lessons. Accomplishing what we set out to do does feel good, and it's important to create systems where we can accomplish our goals, but it's also important to realize that sometimes we stop caring about those goals because we grow as a person and choose other priorities. Life is full of wonders and we could never experience them all so why limit yourself to an expectation to fill a box you opened years ago and got bored of? Or last month, or week, or yesterday, or five minutes ago? Life has plenty more boxes to open, and as long as you are enjoying yourself... make a fucking box fortress! When next you open one that fills you with inspiration, you'll know just what to do, but until then, why not do it all? People struggle too often to find their purpose, the meaning of life as it were, but why can't the meaning of life be to live?
A coin carries the same worth regardless of which side lands if you haven't become attached to the outcome. So here's to the ups, and downs. The accomplishments, and the withdrawals. To victory, and sweet surrender. As Above, So Below.
A whimsical, deep, and powerful journey through the senses with playful melodies, organic mystique, and larger than life emotions across a wider than ever assortment of genres for a first disc in the series.
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Disc 2, So Below:The slower of the two mixes also for the first time in the series to represent the transition as life takes you underwater, but rich as ever in deep psychedelia, cutting edge sound design, and psychoacoustic potency.
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