Funk Ain't Allergic To The Future 3

PT - Funk Ain't Allergic to the Future 3The third, and final mix in this mix series. It seems that funk might actually be in fact allergic to the future... 

This is every last track in this folder making exactly 2 hours of bass fuelled funk which I am taking as the final sign to retire the series. Many of these were left over from Vol. 2 almost 4 years ago, and this kind of cutting edge funk has been slowing down consistently meaning it would be maybe a decade until enough cutting edge sound designed bass funk up to my standards would be collected to make another one so I will just be adding the few that do pop up into my usual party mixes like I used to.

Beatport has reclassified Glitch-Hop to a sub category of Breakbeats, and honestly of the 30 tracks a week that have been uploaded for the past year most of them are Ghetto-Funk which is midtempo breaks that sound more throwback, than future, and a few misclassified trap, and future bass tracks. Even many of my friends that literally have the word funk in their artist name are making more bangin' Trap, and other styles with no real funk elements at all, and honestly I'm all for it, because they are pumping out bomb quality music, and following the times. I'm sure in a few years with some more fresh genres funk will keep coming back like bell bottoms, but for now most of it just doesn't sound very future to me.

That being said, if you disagree feel free to prove me wrong, and send me whatever super bangin', bass heavy, cutting edge sound designed Funk of all new genres. Maybe our tastes aren't that different, and I'm just not finding them, but in the meantime, here is 2 hours of boss ass future funk :D


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