Turn The Tide

PT - Turn The Tide

This mix is dedicated to everything going right in the world. To the the technology that is obsolescing the archaic platforms of power and greed. To vertical farming making Monsanto pointless. To autonomous vehicles taking 90% of cars off the roads. To in vitro meats putting an end to horrible farming practices and greenhouse gasses.

To Universal Basic Income annihilating crime, poverty, mental illness and fear. To ending this ridiculous war on drugs, for profit prisons and other authoritarian systems of control. To cryptocurrencies putting the money back into the hands of the people.

To crowdfunding, open-sourcing, teamwork and love coming together to make the world a better place for all of us. To fighting for what is right. To demanding a better future!

Though the world may seem to be falling apart, underneath it all the foundations for a bright future are being laid. sidestepping these evils and there is no stopping it. We are one, we are love and we...

We are winning.


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