Whisk Me Away

The Little SpoonA soft and sexy journey through to corner of passion and desire. A mix for lovers to be sure. Love each other, love your surroundings, love life and share everything you can with the world. Those who deserve your love will reciprocate and the the world will slowly fill us all with untold energy as we rise to the next level of human consciousness. Be a part of the spirit revolution.


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The Little Spoon

The Little SpoonSpanning much of the spectrum of soulful drum and bass, this mix is filled with emotional rides taking you all the places you want to go, carrying you through the highs and cradling you into the depths of your mind. Almost two years since his last Drum and Bass mix, you're guaranteed that this mix has ample emotional investment and is by all accounts "just right".


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Dough n Batter

This unique soulful and uplifting tech-experimental DnB mix was created in it's entirety in 4 to 5 hours during a particularly sad time. Escaping to the studio to make some music, but first checking out some new releases I discovered one of my artists had remixed a drum & bass track. Up until that point I hadn't a single dnb track and was not a big fan of the genre, but I appreciated the beauty of this particular track in the state I was in. So I researched the remixed artist and found he had a couple more I liked. Branching out to artists he had remixed and vice-versa, scoping the labels and their other artists I had found 36 drum & bass tracks that I thought we're interesting and beautiful and at this point was feeling a little better. So I listened to them all and organized them and thought "I wonder if I can mix this stuff." I powered up my gear hit record and mixed all 36 tracks from start to finish. I felt great. The genre that I didn't even know I liked has snapped me out of my bad day and to commemorate the occasion I mastered it to share with the world and to have an explanation to my friends as to why I disappeared for an entire Friday evening. I created a pseudonym based on a funny situation that had recently occurred and "Huge Metal Bowl" was born. This mix is a testament to opening ones eyes for it relates the tale of how a mood and your experiences can change the way you perceive anything. Music, people, hopes and dreams. The genre I thought I didn't like is now the cd I put on when I wish to lift my spirits. Do not let your experiences cloud your beautiful mind to the truth. Love always and be free to experience the best life has to offer.

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